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We Can Help With

At the Avon Animal and Bird Hospital we are equipped to handle a wide range of procedures and afflictions. Below is a list of the most common diseases/infections that your pet could contract and answers to questions that you may have about them. Feel free to read these articles and if you have any other questions please call or e-mail our clinic and one of our knowledgeable staff members would be happy to assist you.



Whipworms are an extremely common intestinal parasite of dogs.Whipworms live in the large intestine, and unlike many of the other intestinal parasites, are more common in adult dogs rather than…

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Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that can infect nearly all mammals-including dogs, cats and humans. It is estimated that approximately 30% of cats and 50%…

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Tapeworms are a very common intestinal parasite of dogs and cats. This parasite is different from other intestinal parasites, in that it requires transmission through an intermediate host-most commonly a…

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Spaying is also knows as OHE or ovariohysterectomy. It is a surgical procedure that sterilizes a female dog or cat by removing the ovaries and the uterus. Why should you…

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Seizures are, unfortunately quite common in pets. Seizures are much more common in dogs than in cats, but can occur in both. Thankfully, with proper diagnostics and medications we can often keep…

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Salmonella is a bacterium that can cause disease in humans, dogs, cats, and other animals.  It can cause a variety of symptoms, most commonly severe vomiting and/ or diarrhea. In…

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There are many types of roundworms, but some of the most common are intestinal parasites of dogs, cats, and raccoons.  Puppies and kittens are frequently infected with roundworms. Puppies get them…

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Rabies is a fatal viral infection that is transmitted primarily through bite wounds. Skunks, bats, raccoons, and foxes are the primary carriers. Rabies is also fatal to humans. Puppies and…

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Patellar Luxation


Patellar luxation is a condition where the kneecap (patella) is able to move out of its normal position.  Luxating patella is one of the most common knee joint abnormalities of…

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Old Age Vestibulitis


Old age vestibulitis is a syndrome where the dog is suddenly afflicted with a balance problem. Vestibulitis is seen in the older dog. They are usually staggering, or walking like…

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