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Fleas can be found on dogs, cats, and many wild mammals.  They survive year to year even in cold climates because they live on pets, in buildings, and on wild animals.

There are four stages to the flea life cycle.  Eggs are laid by an adult female flea which is living on a host.  The eggs roll off into the environment, and after a few days they mature into larvae.  Larvae survive by eating organic debris.   After a few days, and once conditions are conducive, larvae mature into pupae.  Pupae have very thick shells and are resistant to environmental conditions.  After a few days, and once the pupae detect a host is present, they mature into adult fleas that hop on another host.

There are many types of flea treatments. Unfortunately, there is no one drug or chemical that can kill all four stages of the flea. There are several types of good products to kill fleas.  Since fleas have the ability to develop resistances to anti-flea products, companies are constantly developing new treatments.  We will keep up with these medications and advise you as to what might work best for you.

Along with being a carrier of tapeworms, fleas are the number one allergen for dogs and cats and can cause severe skin disease.  Over the years, we have seen pets young and old, die from the anemia caused by fleas. Fleas can also transmit bubonic plague and other serious diseases.Although the plague doesn’t seem to be a big problem here.